DHAP 2019

Amanda Soh Xuan Min

Amanda Soh Xuan Min


Amanda is a Year 6 student studying at Dunman High School taking the combination of History, Economics, Linguistics and Math. Having chaired the Historical Crisis Committee at DHAP 2018, Amanda is honoured to be serving as the Secretary-General for the conference this year. Beyond MUN, Amanda enjoys tofu stew, fried squid and watching videos of baby sloths climbing. She also likes interacting with stray cats, who hopefully reciprocate her feelings. She hopes that delegates will not only emerge from the conference with academic fruitions, but also meaningful friendships with fellow delegates.

Chua Fang Wei

Chua Fang Wei

Deputy Secretary-General (Executive Board)

Fangwei has actively participated in past editions of DHAP in various capacities, including those of a delegate and a chair. This has allowed her to develop a keen interest in regional affairs. She hopes that DHAP will serve as a unique platform for delegates to discuss the past, present and future of Southeast Asia, acquire invaluable life skills, and become better versions of themselves in the process.

Chua Eileen

Chua Eileen

Deputy Secretary-General (Organising Committee)

Eileen tries her best in everything she does - (though sadly) especially in things with no discernible reward or value, such as trying to learn everyone’s names spelled backwards. Despite classified a tad bit eccentric and wild by some, Eileen preserves and continues being friendly to everyone she knows (refer to above point about always giving her best). She hopes that all delegates will have an enjoyable and fruitful time at DHAP 2019!

Adam Seah Jun Hui

Adam Seah Jun Hui

Crisis Director

Having ended a fulfilling run of sixteen conferences as a delegate and chair, Adam is excited to take on his first crisis backroom role. With crisis experience as a delegate in both local and overseas conferences, Adam will step up to be part of the team that runs the most advanced council in MUN. Whether you are trying crisis for the first time or a seasoned crisis delegate, he hopes that you will have a meaningful and enjoyable learning experience here at DHAP HCC - just as he has.

Nicholas Soh Kai Sern

Nicholas Soh Kai Sern

Crisis Director

Nicholas is a Year 6 student who, like every other student in his cohort, is suffering from the shackles of the A levels. Nicknamed “Winnie the Pooh” by his Economics tutor, he as admitted that he shares many uncanny similarities with it (including looks). Like how Pooh made his last appearance in the Christopher Robin movie, DHAP 2019 would be Nicholas’ swan song. In school, he is usually seen struggling to stay awake during lectures as well as attempting to cope with his infinite number of commitments! He is aware that MUN is more often than not a very nerve-wracking experience, but believes that there is still much to gain from it. He looks forward to seeing delegates have a fruitful and enjoyable time during council.

Au Yi Ying Belinda

Au Yi Ying Belinda

Head of Special Programmes

Belinda is a Y6 Arts student from an empowering all-girl class, and contrary to speculation that she does such a subject combination of History, Economics, E.Literature and Math due her being inept at Sciences (though she doesn’t deny that fact), she actually loves studying them. Known to be witty, sassy and fiery despite her smaller size that makes her susceptible to being lost in a crowd often, Belinda also enjoys learning about new issues, engaging in literature and the Arts, watching adorable dog videos, as well as funny and political memes amidst her hectic schedule. Lastly, as part of the Special Programs Committee, Belinda also looks forward to facilitating the delivery of a more fulfilling and memorable DHAP experience for the delegates this year!

Boh Jie Qi

Boh Jie Qi

Conference Manager

Apart from his usual day job as a sleep deprived, self-loathing, overworked student subsisting primarily on caffeine, Jie Qi is the enthusiastic and cheerful conference manager of DHAP 2019, and hopes that all delegates will have a fun and enriching time at the conference!

Kelley Seng Joy Win

Kelley Seng Joy Win

Head of Corporate Relations

Before you see her, you’ll probably hear her thunderous laughter. Although Kelley hopped from the Executive Board of DHAP2018 to the Organising Committee of DHAP2019, she is confident of helming the corporate relations department (alongside her capable secretariat and sub-committees) and wishes that all delegates will have a DHAPpy (wink wink) experience!