DHAP 2019

Frequently Asked Questions
  1. Who can participate in Dunman High Model ASEAN Plus Summit (DHAP)?
    Dunman High Model ASEAN Plus Summit (DHAP) is targeted at students from 15 to 19 years old. Should you fall outside this age group, we still encourage application, nevertheless, and will process them on a case-by-case basis. Registration will be processed on a first come, first served basis and the organisers reserve the right to turn down registrations in the event of oversubscription.

  2. Do I have a choice of council and country?
    Delegates will have the opportunity to indicate their council preferences when they register. However, the eventual allocation will be assigned by the Secretariat.

  3. How many delegations can each school register?
    Each school can register one delegation. The maximum number of delegates per delegation is set at 9.

  4. How can I register for DHAP 2019?
    Registration can be made as a school delegation or an independent delegate. Registration begins on 18 February 2019 and ends on 24 March 2019. To register, please fill up the form which will be found under the ‘Registration’ tab of the DHAP 2019 website at http://dhaseanplus.com, and email it to aseanplus.communications@dhs.sg by 24 March 2019.

  5. Will meals be provided during the conference?
    Lunch will be provided on all three days of the conference, and dinner will be provided on the second day. We will be taking into account all dietary requirements based on the registration forms. As such, please be sure to fill in that portion of the registration form, if you have such requirements.