DHAP 2019


The logistics subcommittee is responsible for many behind the scenes work that make this conference possible. From designing of lanyards, placards and certificates to taking care of food and notepads, they’ve got delegates well-equipped for the rigour or council sessions.

They hope that the successful execution of DHAP 2019 will make it a memorable experience for all!

Merrell Teng Yao Yu

Merrell Teng Yao Yu

Executive Director

Merrell is a fun-loving and laid-back person whose hobbies include watching TV shows that no one knows about. He also would like you to know that no, his curly locks are not the result of perming. He wishes for all delegates to have a fulfillling and enriching time here at DHAP 2019!

Jin Guo

Jin Guo


Jin Guo is a year 5 DHS student who is always keen to learn more about different perspectives of an issue through comprehensive discussion. Although she can sense that the year ahead is going to be a challenging one, Jin Guo will try her best to overcome the challenges with positive mindset. She hopes that delegates will have a fruitful and meaningful debate this DHAP!

Teng Xin Yi

Teng Xin Yi


Xin Yi’s subject combination is BCMCSC. She loves to listen to kpop and read books as it helps her to relax. She is also someone who loves movies, especially Marvel ones!

Tu Li Ting

Tu Li Ting


Li Ting is a Year 5 student taking a BCME. She is determined and strives to achieve her goals and remain positive in the face of adversity. She loves her cca, taekwondo, and would go jogging or practise her taekwondo patterns in her free time to relieve stress.